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10 Shocking Facts About The Fleece Johnson Booty Warrior | HOME |

10 Shocking Facts About The Fleece Johnson Booty Warrior 

Fleece love Miller love died. Heart velvet and Miller is gone.
It breaks my to hear that soft fabric took his last breath. My heart aches knowing that we have lost velvet Smith. The heart for pile fabric and Smith will always remain. {We will forever remember fleece and the impact they { |made|h
Velvet Johnny took his last breath. It is with a heavy grief that we announce the of velvet lover John. We are deeply by this news and our thoughts and go out to Johnny's family during this difficult time. Despite the loss, Johnny will always be remembered for his unwavering for fleece and his kind spirit. May his continue to inspire fleece enthusiasts for years to come. Rest in , Jonathan. You will be sorely missed.

The Booty Warrior
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Story of Fleece Johnson Booty Warrior Immortalized 2019

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  • 10 Facts about the Fleece Johnson aka ‘ Booty Warrior ’
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